

英日字典: dusty_miller

dusty miller   (TTS Sound)

The dusty_miller has 5 Senses.

  • silver-lace, tanacetum ptarmiciflorum, silver lace, dusty miller, chrysanthemum ptarmiciflorum
  • shrubby perennial of the Canary Islands having white flowers and leaves and hairy stems covered with dustlike down; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
  • 白い花と葉とほこりのような綿毛に覆われた有毛の茎を持つ、カナリア諸島の低木のような多年生植物

  • cineraria maritima, senecio cineraria, dusty miller
  • stiff much-branched perennial of the Mediterranean region having very white woolly stems and leaves
  • 非常に白い羊毛の茎と葉がある地中海の地域硬い多分枝性の多年生植物

  • old woman, dusty miller, beach wormwood, artemisia stelleriana
  • herb with greyish leaves found along the east coast of North America; used as an ornamental plant
  • 北米東海岸沿いで見られる、灰色がかった葉を持つ草本

  • gardener's delight, mullein pink, lychnis coronaria, dusty miller, rose campion
  • an old cottage garden plant of southeastern Europe widely cultivated for its attractive white woolly foliage and showy crimson flowers
  • その魅力的な白い羊毛状の葉と派手な深紅の花のために南東ヨーロッパで広く栽培されている古い庭用の植物

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